Keep up with the latest developments at CITY |
The Clinical Trials Innovation Programme - CTIP 2015
On these 22nd and 23rd days of October, 2015, CITY representatives are attending the Clinical Trials Innovation Programme. This is an exclusive, invitation only event and each year helps senior executives from Pharma & Biotech industries to forge strong and lasting business relationships to share best practice and knowledge about the very latest issues affecting the industry. Get your invitation today.
This Year It's Bucharest – OCTEEC 2015
On these 1st and 2nd days of October 2015 in Bucharest, Romania the International Conference on Outsourcing Clinical Trials in Emerging European Countries (OCTEEC 2015) will take place. This is supposed to be an event with excellent opportunities for pharma/biotech/ medical device companies to meet their local partners (CROs, SMOs, data management companies, laboratories and couriers) for the development of clinical studies. Why to attend? Eastern Europe’s investigative sites are known to be fast enrollers due to patient availability; lower costs for conducting clinical trials and high quality data provided by the investigative sites. All of these are making a clear competitive advantage when compared to the already established markets. The Eastern Europe region has a good clinical trial infrastructure, which along with the other advantages transform it in the best option for clinical research studies... Click on the link to learn more. Event is also sponsored by CITY. If you are visiting the event be sure to meet our representatives there.
First Off-site Event
On January 9, 2015, for the first time CITY conducted an off-site event at Raddison Blu Daugava Hotel Riga. The event was a success and CITY is likely to do it again. Congratulations team and well done!
First Anniversary Celebration
CITY celebrates their first anniversary. The celebration took place at the Restaurant La Tour de Marie at 1 Akademijas Street, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia.
Congratulations CITY on your first birthday!